Making A Difference: Thinking Biblically In the Voting Booth

Our hope is not in a political party. Our hope is in the Lord Himself, and in His Word, which is the truth for all aspects of life, including the political-governmental. Will you partner with me to get people “thinking Biblically in the voting booth?”
If I...

  • offered to train you on Sunday, September 4th, on the,
  • and provided you with 31 short videos (7-15 minute each), one for each chapter of the Well Versed book,
  • along with discussion questions to ask (

would you be open to leading a Bible Study for nine weeks (or however many weeks you can) between now and the November 8th election?

We would like to present you with the opportunity to receive a special training on Sunday, September 4th, on the World Prayer Network, starting at 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST. Our goal is to equip you with the resources necessary to host your weekly Well Versed Bible Study and keep it thriving for nine weeks (or however many weeks you can) before the election, as we make our ways together through Chapters 1-11 before Election Day!
Bottom line: You CAN make a difference!
Again, this September 4th training will be super informative and thorough, and very helpful in preparing you to host your study group. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Giulia Giampa at
More info:


Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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