I Am NOT Political... and Likely You Aren't Either

View my four-minute rant titled, “I Am NOT Political!” Click on the link below. What I said here might apply to you as well.
Sometimes I feel like the old Dr. Pepper commercial: “So misunderstood.” (Most of you are too young to remember that old commercial, so if you are curious about what it was, or if you are nostalgic and want to hear it once again, click here and skip to the 34-second mark for the iconic “Dr. Pepper, so misunderstood” musical lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcyG7EzVduw)
Don’t get me wrong, I am not a “victim.” Not at all. But some people seemingly cannot understand my life’s calling (and the calling of people like me) and what our Well Versed ministry (https://www.wellversedworld.org) actually does, that is, bringing Biblical principles of governance to government leaders… and to the people who elect them.
Succinctly stated, I want people to take Jesus into the voting booth. I want people to think Biblical, not merely on protecting life in the womb and historic marriage, but on a host of governmental issues. (See the Biblical foundations to 30 governmental topics in my book Well Versed: https://wellversedworld.org/store)
A little background: A “governmental anointing” came upon me on August 13th when I was a nine-year-old while watching the 1956 Democratic Convention. I was hooked. Not on “politics,” as such, but on “government.” Or more specifically, how God designed government to function.
I have watched the news on governmentally-related events virtually every day since age nine, and have participated in countless campaigns for righteousness and holiness to be lifted up in the marketplace of governmental ideas. As a result of the governmental interest, I have been (wrongly) labeled “political.” The truth is, I am Biblical.
While attending a wonderful meeting with my good friend, James Robison, and about 30 other pastors and Christian-leader friends of mine a couple weeks ago, I decided to challenge the label of “political” that had been put on me. His cameramen captured the moment and James put it out on his popular website, www.TheStream.org (check it out for daily news!), a few days later.
In this brief “rant,” I believe I am not speaking merely for me, but for so many of you who have been labeled “political” when you were really just being Biblical, given the fact that:
  • THE BIBLE SPEAKS NOT MERELY TO PERSONAL ISSUES, FAMILY ISSUES, CHURCH ISSUES, BUT TO CIVIL GOVERNANCE as well, showing how any nation, state or community should function.
The fact is:
  • To the extent that a nation follows God’s Word and His Ways, to that same extent human pain, suffering and poverty are reduced.
  • Conversely, to the extent that a nation violates God’s Word and His Ways, to that same extent human pain, suffering and poverty increase.
Having set the stage, watch this four minute video of a spontaneous, unplanned response after I was called “political” for the third time. (By the way, the ones who called me that meant no harm. They did not do it to be negative. They love me and I love them.) But I felt like it was a teaching opportunity.


Thank you to all of you who faithfully support Well Versed, and help us show people how to think governmentally Biblical and take Jesus into the voting booth.
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed


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