11 Quick Things I Want You To Know

Here are 11 quick reports about and from Israel.

You have continued to give over the weekend at https://www.wellversedworld.org/updates-on-israel - therefore, we are sending much more today for jackets, blankets, gloves, neck warmers, etc. As long as you keep giving to Israel, we will keep donating as quickly as we can.


4. THIS FROM MY FRIEND TSAKI, ALSO FROM BONEH ISRAEL ("BUILD ISRAEL"), SOMEWHERE IN SAMARIA: “Today we reached another 500 soldiers with the equipment they are asking for (warm clothes). Waiting for another delivery tomorrow evening. On Thursday we will distribute again. Thank you for your contributions.” Well Versed Family and World Prayer Network Family, this is one of the causes you are supporting. To give,  Go Here.
5. THIS IS FROM FRIENDS JOHN LYON AND ARLIE DAVIS (a fellow pastor/friend), WHO ARRIVED IN ISRAEL YESTERDAY, AND ARE DELIVERING “MY MEDIC” KITS IN SAMARIA: John sent me this picture of them. This medic kit is one that the IDF requested, complete with tourniquet, chest seals, quick clot, gauzes, NPA, shears, gloves and space blanket. These are designed to treat trauma injuries in the field.  To continue supporting the IDF with these kits, please give here

6. CORRECTION, AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM MT. CARMEL: In yesterday’s newsletter, there were errors regarding the proper name and leadership of the Carmel Congregation. Here is what it should have said: Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation), a vibrant Messianic congregation, co-founded by our good friends Karen Davis and Peter Tsukahira, is led by Pastor Dani Sayag, on Mt. Carmel – where Elijah took on the prophets of Baal. Kehilat HaCarmel has reached out to immigrants from all over the world for years. They are currently strategically situated close to where some of the 100,000+ missiles of Hezbollah could land, and are preparing to take in and take care of those in harm’s way.
Secondly, we have additional information from the Carmel Congregation. Carmel Congregation co-founder Karen Davis wrote this to us today: “Last night, I participated in a ‘war scenario’ first-aid class taught by veteran U.S. army medics who came to support Israel at this time. Practicing packing an artery wound to stop a bleed… Learning to use a tourniquet to stop a bleed… Hard to believe this is the reality we are facing now…”
To give, click this link.


“It's been a couple weeks, but I have some time now and I wanted to write about a נס that happened to me during those first few days of hell. My unit was called in on shabbat morning. No Tzav 8, no ishurim, no official order, nothing. Our brigade commander saw that the south needed a battalion to respond asap, and he told us to come in. 4 hours later we got on humvees and headed straight to Kfar Aza. Our weapons had been handed to us on the spot; We had never shot them, didn't have time to clean them, we had no idea if they worked and the sights definitely weren't zeroed in. The weapons in the Reserve units are notorious for being unreliable and usually don't even shoot properly before a good clean, or in some cases, a visit to the armory. That's how we went in to combat. We walked into the yishuv and were engaged by terrorists within the first few minutes of walking. A few minutes later we encountered one hiding in a bush with an AK-47, waiting to ambush us. My rifle worked perfectly, firing every shot, cycling every round, hitting what I was aiming at. Not a single jam. I thanked Hashem for giving me a rifle that worked right off the bat. After 3 days of fighting, I had learned to rely on my rifle completely. On Tuesday night we finished clearing Kfar Aza, were switched out by another battalion, and were sent up to a base so we could rest, shower, and finally clean and check our weapons. We went to the range. Immediately I got a jam. Another round, another jam. And another. They were getting worse, I had to start taking out my pliers on my utility knife to clear them. We ended up having to take it to the armory so they could switch out all the internal parts, to basically rebuild it from the inside. The gun just didn't work. It was a broken rifle, it was broken from the moment it was handed to me on shabbat morning. But for me, in those few days in Kfar Aza, it had worked to perfection. So we could do what we needed to do. I heard similar stories from many other soldiers in our battalion. I look forward to the day where I can stand in my shul on shabbat, at קריאת התורה, and recite Birkat HaGomel for this miracle and the countless others that Hashem performed for us.
הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל

8. MASSIVE EVACUEES: 500,000 Israelis have been evacuated from towns and communities in the south of Israel (due to Hamas) and the north of Israel (due to Hezbollah). Imagine the massive challenge of caring for that many war evacuees in a very small country.

9. YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THE BACKDROP TO THE WAR: Today, James Robison’s “The Stream” began running my 7-part article on “Understanding Israel’s War: How Did We Get Here?”
See here.
Forgive me for ending with bad news, but treat this as a prayer request.

10. URGENT: What is happening in Israel WILL - I REPEAT - WILL happen in America, not just in some border towns like El Paso or San Diego, but in cities all over America. How do we know? Iran has told us: Israel first (“the little Satan”), America second (“the big Satan”). When they chant “Kill the Jews” and “Death to America,” they mean it. Just ask Israel.

Listen to retired Border Agent J.J. Carrell. In his 24-year career, he arrested less than five SIAs (Special Interest Aliens). They were immediately removed. But today? According to him, there have been 80,000 SIAs allowed into our country. Listen to this from the 3:00 minute mark to the 7:30 minute mark, at least.

I have shared this before on the WPN, but when Rosemary and I were at a special 2-day border training at our southern border arranged by Todd Lamphere, we saw those who were being processed to be let into our country.


And when we were taken to where the illegal aliens were being released, EVERY ONE OF THEM WERE CHINESE, ALL OF THEM WERE MILITARY-AGE MALES except for two women.

Flying on a plane two weeks ago, a man from Africa sat beside Rosemary. They spoke to each other using “Google Translate.” He had just crossed the border. He had his new cell phone (you taxpayers paid for it) and was flying “comfort plus” (you taxpayers paid for it) and was on his way to New York City (where the taxpayers will pay for his food and hotel). Why is he in the U.S.? No one knows. Is he here for good reasons? Or is he here for evil? For millions just like him, we do not know.
Getting on a plane from Mexico to the U.S. three weeks ago was a guy covered with tattoos indicating he was part of MS-13.

Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are intentionally destroying your country. (We initially thought it was incompetence and stupidity. Then we saw the pattern repeated for three years. It is intentional.)

Sometime – I don’t know when – the U.S. will experience massive death and destruction in our cities, caused by the thousands of terrorists that this administration has knowingly allowed into the country. We are about to pay a high price.

The obvious question: Can this be stopped? Only by getting a new leader in the White House who will rid the country of those who want to kill us, and also by supernatural, divine intervention that comes about by prayer and fasting.

11. HOW TO UNDERSTAND THIS BETTER: Listen to this remarkable interview with Gary Kah from the Sunday, October 22nd, World Prayer Network call. When the interview is over, you will say, “I understand globalism so much better now.”
In the meantime, we do not give up. We persist ever stronger.
Allow me to be candid. We are giving so much to Israel that Well Versed is challenged financially. Will you help us during this time?
We are on the second lesson of the year, Noah. Messianic Rabbi Jason Sorbel has an excellent teaching of how it applies to what is happening in the Middle East at this time and brings out the biblical and spiritual warfare aspects that help us pray with insight.

"Unlocking Hidden Connections in Scripture: Noah, Esau, Ishmael, & Hamas - The Connections" from Rabbi Jason Sobel, Oct 21, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/live/MfTiLkHKfag?si=I1-o6IzJlcHHhrvc  
Click HERE to download a copy of the Notes.
There are hidden connections to today’s events throughout the Scripture ~ links that are so woven that they could only be from God and not by coincidence. What does the Bible say about Hamas, these End Times, and the coming Messiah? Join Rabbi Jason Sobel as he dives deeper into the Word of God for such a time as this. You will learn to 'live in the times' with the Word as your Guide.  
Proverbs 25:2 ~ “It is God's privilege to conceal things and the king's privilege to discover them.”
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed
Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to continue bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders and YOU!

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